What We Condone

I unsuccessfully transitioned to daylight savings time and woke up way too early this morning. All I wanted to do was read the Sunday newspaper and laze around my living room. But, my head and my heart wouldn’t let me. They moved me to get my ass up off the couch and break out my laptop to commit these thoughts to writing. And as much as I know it annoys a few of you, share it with others. Fortunately or unfortunately, depends on your perspective, I cannot remain silent.

There’s been so much going on in all of our worlds due to politics and the pandemic. Everything has been weaponized to divide. Which leads me to ask so many questions. Who does it serve? Is it serving us? Is it serving our neighbors? How do we benefit by continuing to “other” one another?

In the past couple of days I have read both hopeful and horrific news stories. And I’ve seen countless social media posts about them. No doubt you have, too. I contributed as well by posting lots of information related to early voting. I think things can only get better when we are all part of the process.

That belief, in the positive impact a larger collective can have, is what led me to volunteer and serve on the Houston Commission on Disabilities. I have advocated for my son with disabilities on countless occasions in multiple arenas. If you’ve never had a family member with a disability, it’s quite eye-opening to frequently encounter situations that haven’t considered them. Or if they have been considered, leave me with the feeling that they aren’t valued similarly to the rest of us. I could have literally let that frustration and aggravation eat me alive over the last 20 years. It’s so much easier to become bitter. But then who does that serve? Not me. And most definitely not my son.

We all have life experiences that have shaped us. For me the ones with adversity have made me better. Although I struggled at times I have grown through all of them. Who would I be if I hadn’t? How would I be if I hadn’t? What would my boys take away from me not growing? Nothing good would have come from it.

In this polarizing time strife with dissonance it’s too easy to finger point from a high horse. I offered my experience up as an example because it is simply that - mine. Remember when we could have disagreements? Political discourse? I don’t know about you, but in general I’m not threatened by different belief systems or opinions. Unless of course, their aim is to make someone feel that way. Whether I agree with someone or not, I do not condone intimidation and/or threats of violence. Do you?


Hindsight is 2020


Perseverance & Possibility