A few years ago, writing began as a cathartic exercise for me to make sense of things in an uncertain time. And to be quite honest, I did it for myself. I found it helpful to reflect, critically think, and commit my perspective in written form. Sharing it with others felt like as necessary a step as the practice of writing itself. Initially, I was apprehensive to put it out into the world, but it helped me find my courage. And in return, I got more comfortable with feeling uncomfortable. I know it sounds counterintuitive, but that’s the space where growth lives.
Whatever the creative pursuit, I enjoy creating harmony, making some semblance of order, out of disparate elements.

Kidneys, Cousins, & Consecration
Finally, the day arrived for our tandem surgeries! We got to the hospital @ 6 AM and were shepherded to adjacent rooms.

Practicing a Pause
I was in the habit of mindlessly scrolling social media. And how was that serving you, Eileen?

My Mother’s Legacy
Honestly, I’ve been working on this piece in fits and starts for the better part of a year.

Amazing. Awful. Beautiful.
It aligned with my lived experience, not the fairy tale we all think we’re going to get. But this start to 2022, the month of January alone, has typified those words.